U.S. Census Bureau Headquarters Building Suitland, Maryland

Case Studies  |  Commercial LED Lighting

U.S. Census Bureau Headquarters

Big Shine Energy worked with the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and its Energy Division to implement a multi-phase LED lighting conversion at the 4600 Silver Hill Road facility in Suitland, Maryland. This comprehensive project addressed both interior and exterior lighting, significantly reducing energy consumption and operational costs. We used a variety of fixtures from our commercial line including the Alma Stairwell Fixture, KP Series Downlights, and LED Backlit Panels. We delivered a full turnkey project, leveraging our expertise in energy-efficient lighting solutions, securing utility incentives, and providing flexible installation schedules and project management. 


Suitland, Maryland

Energy Savings

1,073,739 kWh

Utility Incentives

Pepco Energy Savings for Business



Metric Tons of
CO2 Emissions


Tons of Waste Recycled
Instead of Landfilled


Pounds of
Coal Burned


Acres of U.S.
Forests in One Year

*Conversions done using the EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator by ZIP Code.