The Sustainability Today symposium series came to Kentucky this month to bring together decision-makers, inspire action and foster environmentally sustainable practices. Participants learned about some of the latest energy-efficient equipment on the market and what opportunities exist for energy-efficient upgrades in their region.
The primary focus of this B2B event was around the five featured speakers, who each touched on high-level topics related to sustainable practices to help offset the carbon footprint with the right solutions for buildings in Kentucky and beyond. Representatives from surrounding companies and organizations, including GE Appliances, Louisville Metro Air Pollution Control District and Eastern Kentucky University, were among those in the audience.
Sustainable Speakers
Rhiannon Jacobsen, Vice President of Market Transformation and Development at the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) opened the speaking session with a visually bold presentation on the LEED rating system. Rhiannon spoke on the possibilities of expanding green building opportunities from the smallest towns to the largest global regions. Just one year following USGBC’s 25th anniversary, the organization has concentrated on developing its green programs around the lives of people, emphasizing the impact green buildings have on the wellbeing of their occupants.Our vision at USGBC is only successful due to the partnership and support of various political leaders, stakeholders and organizations committed to advancing green building and sustainability.

Our vision at USGBC is only successful due to the partnership and support of various political leaders, stakeholders and organizations committed to advancing green building and sustainability.
Rhiannon Jacobsen
Next, Dan Simpson, Senior Trade Ally Outreach Representative for Duke Energy’s Smart $aver Business Program, provided insight on the incentives and rebates available for customers looking to make the switch to more energy-efficient equipment in their facilities. The audience learned about the environmental and economic benefits of investing in energy efficiency. Dan comprehensively walked everyone through eligibility requirements for their prescriptive and custom programs and broke down the measure categories for each.
When referring to their Custom program, Dan said:

“There’s no limitation to the number of dollars that we award customers other than that fifty percent cap. … You also have the value of an independent set of engineers employed by Duke Energy for doing your project.”
Dan Simpson
Louisville Metro Government’s Office of Advanced Planning and Sustainability implemented their premier sustainability plan for the city. Big Shine welcomed the Office’s Sustainability Coordinator Natalie Vezina, who spoke about Louisville’s climate action goals and energy efficiency programs. She went into detail about the city’s target to reduce the its green house gas emissions 80% by 2050. Natalie also touched on the benefits of such an accomplishment and the programs, such as EPAD and Cool Roof Rebate, to help make those goals a reality.

Sustainability used to be a standalone office, as of this past July, we merged with the Office of Advanced planning to better integrate sustainability into long-range planning solutions.
Natalie Vezina
Big Shine’s CTO August Kruesi and Executive Director Eduard Rodriguez concluded the speaking portion with presentations on LED lighting and Big Shine’s turnkey solution and corporate responsibility. August conveyed in simple terms the world behind LED technology, trends, quality, and modern-day advancements. He explained in short about Measurement and Verification and DLC certifications to ensure product soundness and incentive eligibility.

LED technology should encompass a careful balance of quality, sustainability and efficiency, considering all the variables involved to ensure the end-user is receiving the most energy-efficient, engineered solution to fit the needs for each facility. It’s what’s inside the LED that counts.
August Kruesi
Eduard followed with a brief overview of Big Shine’s history and seven-point turnkey solution, a detailed customer-focused service that ensures customers are equipped with the right LED solutions for their facilities anywhere throughout the U.S. and Canada. Additionally, Eduard segued into how the turnkey solution compliments Big Shine’s #ApproachingZero initiative. This movement provides the ideal platform to help businesses contribute to a greener future by offsetting carbon emissions through energy-efficient lighting upgrades.

Our team is constantly at work developing more sustainable lighting solutions through our turnkey service, while keeping up with the latest trends and patterns in the ever-evolving world of technology and energy efficiency. It’s a lot of work, but you are the driving force.
Eduard Rodriguez
Efficient Experience
The presentations were followed by a hearty southern-style lunch selection and networking. Guests had a chance to consult with the speakers and mingle among each other, sharing challenges and goals toward towards their companies’ own sustainable missions. Upon request, August gave one-on-one demonstrations of Big Shine’s latest LED technology and answered specific questions on LED quality as an extension of his presentation. The overall symposium was a diverse educational experience, serving as another tool in the journey to a more sustainable future by inspiring action within and outside of Kentucky borders.
If you are interested in learning more about Big Shine’ Sustainability Today tour or events in your region, please contact us or subscribe to our newsletter below to receive regular updates.